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Updated on Jun 14, 2024

dbt, data build tool helps to transform data. dbt performs the T in ELT process

What is dbt

  • dbt performs the T in ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) process
  • dbt is extremely good at transforming data that’s already loaded into your warehouse
  • dbt enables analytics engineers to transform data in their warehouses by simply writing select statements

What it is not

  • dbt does not extract or load data from other systems or databases

Why Data Transformation

Data from source systems needs to be transformed for the purpose of:

  • Data Validation & Cleansing
  • Data Standardization & Enrichment
  • Data Integration between systems
  • Apply Business Logic & Rules
  • Derive Business KPI
  • Modeling suited for Analytics

dbt in Data Platform Landscape

Features of dbt

Software Engineering best practices can also be applied to Data Engineering Pipelines-

  • Version Control​ - Analytic code  should be version controlled. Analysis changes as data and businesses evolve, and it’s important to know who changed what, when
  • Quality Assurance ​- Bad data can lead to bad analyses, and bad analyses can lead to bad decisions. Any code that generates data or analysis should be reviewed and tested
  • Documentation​ - Data analysis should come with a basic description of how it should be interpreted, and the team should be able to add to that documentation as additional questions arise
  • Modularity​ - Data analysis code should also follow the principles of Reusability, Manageability & DRY

How dbt works

  • Main focus will be on writing models (i.e. SELECT only queries) that reflect core business logic
  • There’s no need to write boilerplate code to create tables and views, or to define the order of execution of your models
  • Instead, dbt handles turning these models into objects in the warehouse
  • Generates the DDL required to build the model, as per the model's materialization
  • Executes the compiled queries against your data warehouse
  • Maintain model dependencies

Data Platform without DBT

DBT Based Flow

DBT Overview

dbt Projects

  • A dbt project is a directory of .sql and .yml files
  • The directory must contain at a minimum:
  • Project file: a dbt_project.yml file which configures and defines your dbt project
  • Models: A model is a single .sql file. Each model contains a single select statement that either transforms raw data into a dataset that is ready for analytics, or, more often, is an intermediate step in such a transformation
  • Projects typically contain a few other resources as well, including snapshots, tests, and seed files

dbt Adapters

  • dbt connects to and runs SQL against your database, warehouse, platform, or query engine. It works by using a dedicated adapter for each technology
  • You will need a data warehouse with source data already loaded in it to use dbt
  • dbt natively supports connections to Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift and Postgres data warehouses
  • When you define your connection, you’ll also be able to specify the target schema where dbt should create your models as tables and views

dbt Sources

  • Sources make it possible to name and describe the data loaded into your warehouse by your Extract and Load tools
  • Select from source tables in your models using the source() function. It helps to define the lineage of your data
  • Test your assumptions about your source data
  • Calculate the freshness of your source data

dbt Models

  • A model is a select statement.
  • Models are defined in .sql files (typically in your models directory)
  • Each .sql file must contain only one model
  • The name of the file is used as the model name
  • By default dbt will create the models as views
  • Build models in a target schema you define
  • A model can be referenced in downstream models using the ref() function. It helps to define the lineage of your data

dbt Materializations

  • dbt handles boilerplate code to materialize queries as relations. For each model you create, you can easily configure a materialization
  • A materialization represents a build strategy for your select query – the code behind a materialization is robust, boilerplate SQL that wraps your select query in a statement to create a new, or update an existing, relation
  • dbt ships with the following built-in materializations:
  • view (default): The model is built as a view in the database
  • table: The model is built as a table in the database
  • ephemeral: The model is not directly built in the database but is instead pulled into dependent models as common table expressions (CTEs)
  • incremental: The model is initially built as a table, and in subsequent runs, dbt inserts new rows and updates changed rows in the table

Advantages of dbt

  • A well known and widely used Technology stack in modern Data Engineering space
  • Quicker development, testing & documentation + less overhead on infrastructure management
  • Less time spent troubleshooting data pipelines
  • Compliments & co-exists with Airflow & Snowflake
  • Ease to use with great documentation leads to low learning curve
  • Data Transformation, Data Lineage & Data Documentation, Data Searching are the strong points which also covers the Data Governance aspects
  • Many engineers are familiar with SQL & dbt hence onboarding new team members to data platform is fast 
  • Migration of Target Data warehouse will have minimal effect on existing data pipelines

dbt Cloud Features

  • A web-based IDE to develop dbt projects
  • A purpose-built Job scheduler
  • Share dbt documentation with your team
  • VCS Integration
  • Logging & Alerting
  • Single Sign On (SSO)
  • Role-based ACLs
  • Audit logging

dbt Cloud vs Open Source

  • Provide a place for data analysts to complete a request in a few hours
  • Without getting caught up in the intricacies of infrastructure (CLI, k8s cluster access)
  • CI is self-serve for less technical users. All in git / hosted over internet so can easily access
  • Notifications - hosted logs in runs accessible to users. Not locked in k8s cluster 
  • Access for everyone - giving access to business users to reduce bottlenecks → increase change velocity
  • without the overhead of manual coordination and infrastructure management

In-House Tooling vs. dbt Cloud




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