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Pentaho Data Integration

Using Pentaho Http Client step

Updated on Oct 03, 2020

In this article we will learn how to use Pentaho Data Integration HTTP Client Step. Http Client step is used to send HTTP Requests to web URL's along with optional parameters/arguments and in turn receives the HTTP Response result from the the web methods.

In this article we will be using a free JSON API for foreign exchange rates and currency conversion from fixer. It provides many relevant JSON API and can be accessed via HTTP GET request. So in this use case we want to get the currency conversion rates for various currencies to a base currency, let's say USD.

This is how our sample source data looks like:



Please check the self explanatory implementation screenshots as below:

CSV Input
CSV Input
Add constant values
Add constant values
HTTP Client
HTTP Client
HTTP Client Parameters
HTTP Client Parameters
JSON Input
JSON Input
JSON Input fields
JSON Input fields
Field splitter
Field splitter
Replace in string
Replace in string
Select values Metadata
Select values Metadata
Select values
Select values
Microsoft Excel output
Microsoft Excel output
Microsoft Excel output Content
Microsoft Excel output Content
Microsoft Excel output Fields
Microsoft Excel output Fields
Execution Result - Preview data
Execution Result - Preview data

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