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AWS Analytics

Analyze Athena Datasource using QuickSight

Updated on Oct 01, 2021

QuickSight is Amazon’s Business Intelligence pay-per-session service which allows you to create and publish interactive dashboards and charts. Quicksight can query data with Athena to provide easy-to-understand insights.

In our previous article we analyzed the S3 data directly using Athena via standard SQL. Let us go further to analyze the Athena Datasource using QuickSight and generate some visualizations.

Let's get started. The very first time you access QuickSight service, you will need to sign-up for a plan. Click on Sign up for QuickSight.

QuickSight Sign up
QuickSight Sign up

QuickSight offers 3 plans to choose from. Select a relevant QuickSight plan as per your need. Here I have selected the Standard Plan which offers a 30 days trial usage.

QuickSight Plan
QuickSight Plan

Choose your preferred Authentication method to sign-in to QuickSight. Also select your preferred region.

Enter your QuickSight Account Information accordingly.

  • Account Name: MyOrg
  • Notification Email Address: admin@myorg.demo
QuickSight Account Details
QuickSight Account Details

Select only those S3 Buckets you would like to grant access to QuickSight service. Finally click on Finish button.

 QuickSight Access to AWS Services
 QuickSight Access to AWS Services

Once account creation is successful, click on Go to Amazon QuickSight button.

QuickSight Account Created
QuickSight Account Created

Let us now setup Athena Datasource, & perform some basic analysis.

Now go to the Data Access tab and  click on New Dataset.

QuickSight Datasets
QuickSight Datasets

QuickSight can access various Data Sources like Athena, S3, Redshift, RDS, Aurora and many more databases & services.

QuickSight Data Sources
QuickSight Data Sources

Select Athena as our Data Source. Next provide a Data source name and select the Athena Workgroup we created earlier.

QuickSight Athena Data Source
QuickSight Athena Data Source

Next select the relevant Catalog and Database followed by the Table for analysis.

  • Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
  • Database: bigdatagen
  • Table: lineitem
Athena Table Selection
Athena Table Selection

Amazon QuickSight uses SPICE - a super-fast Parallel, In-memory Calculation Engine, to deliver blazing fast performance on datasets. Here you may choose to import the data to SPICE for faster analytics. Else you may select to query the source data directly.

Let's choose Directly query your data for our demo.

QuickSight Analysis Mode
QuickSight Analysis Mode

Now proceed to select the the Dimension attributes, Measure figures etc. to perform your analysis.

QuickSight Analysis
QuickSight Analysis

Play around with various Visualization types and other options available. I went ahead and created a calculated field. We have various functions to choose from to derive our relevant attribute or measure.

QuickSight Calculated field
QuickSight Calculated field

Next I filtered the dataset based on a dimension attribute and added a measure to my visualization as seen below.

QuickSight Visual Analytics
QuickSight Visual Analytics

Feel free to explore further, the various features & options available in QuickSight.

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