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AWS Analytics

Create Amazon Redshift Cluster

Updated on Oct 16, 2021

Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze data across data warehouse and data lake. With a few clicks, we can create a Amazon Redshift cluster in minutes.

In this article we are going to setup & deploy an Amazon Redshift Cluster. 

We can deploy a new data warehouse in minutes and save time with automated administrative tasks that manage, monitor, and scale data warehouse. Amazon Redshift is fast, simple, cost-effective data warehouse that can extend queries to data lake as well.

Amazon Redshift Clusters
Amazon Redshift Clusters

Before we start to deploy our first Redshift cluster, as a prerequisite let us setup few resources like Security Group, IAM Policies & Roles.

First we create a Security Group with access to Redshift on port 5439 restricted from our VPC.

Security Group
Security Group

Next we will create an IAM Policy to access our S3 buckets to read & write datasets from Redshift.

IAM Policy<br>
IAM Policy

Next we will create an IAM Role to allow Redshift to access other AWS services on our behalf.

IAM Role
IAM Role

Trust Relationship entities that can assume the role and the access conditions for the role redshift.amazonaws.com

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": "redshift.amazonaws.com"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Next we will set up Redshift Cluster Subnet Groups & Parameter Groups.

Redshift Configurations
Redshift Configurations

Click on the Create subnet group button.

Redshift Cluster Subnet Group
Redshift Cluster Subnet Group

Add a name & description to the Cluster subnet group.

Next, we will select our VPC & choose the Private subnets across the various Availability zones. Finally click the Create cluster subnet group button.

Create Cluster Subnet Group
Create Cluster Subnet Group

Next from the Configurations menu, click on the Workload management link.

Cluster Subnet Group
Cluster Subnet Group

Now let us create a new Parameter group.

Workload Management Parameter Groups
Workload Management Parameter Groups

Enter the Parameter Group name and a description.

Create Parameter Group
Create Parameter Group

Modify the cluster parameters as needed. For the demo, let's keep it AS-IS.

Cluster Parameter Group
Cluster Parameter Group

Next, click on the Clusters menu link. Now we are ready to setup our first Redshift cluster. Click on Create cluster button.

Create Redshift Cluster
Create Redshift Cluster

Let's name the cluster & select the Node type as dc2.large. For our demo it is good to start with 1 node in the cluster.

Cluster Configuration
Cluster Configuration

Choose a database username & password for the login credentials.

Next, select the IAM role we created earlier, from the dropdown menu & associate it with the Redshift cluster.

Cluster Permissions
Cluster Permissions

Let's select our VPC & Security group for the Redshift cluster.

Next, select the Subnet group we created earlier, from the dropdown menu & choose one of the availability zone.

Let us also disable, the public access to our Redshift cluster.

Network & Security
Network & Security

Let's add an initial database to the Redshift cluster. The default Redshift cluster port is 5439.

Next, select the Parameter group we created earlier, from the dropdown menu. 

Database Configurations
Database Configurations

For the demo, lets keep the Default Maintenance window settings.

Cluster Maintenance
Cluster Maintenance

For the demo, lets keep the Default Snapshot retention as 1 day.

Cluster Backup
Cluster Backup

Now that all the configuration setup is done let's click on the Create cluster button. After a few minutes our Redshift cluster will be available.

Redshift Cluster Available
Redshift Cluster Available

Verify the configuration & properties of the Redshift cluster. New let go ahead and do some data analysis using Redshift. Click on the Query data button followed by Query in query editor link.

Redshift Cluster Query Data
Redshift Cluster Query Data

In our next article we will perform data analysis using Redshift & visualization on top of it using Metabase.

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