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SAP Business Objects

BO Linked Universe

Updated on Sep 30, 2020

Linked Universes are universes that share the same components such as parameters, classes, objects and joins. When universes are linked, one plays the role of derived while other the core universe.

Types of Universe

Core Universe

  • Universe to which other universes are linked.
  • Represents a reusable library of components.
  • Can be a kernel or master universe depending on the way the core universe components are used in the derived universe.

Derived Universe

  • Contains a link to the core universe
  • Link allows the universe to share the common components

Universe Approach

Kernel Universe Approach

  • If the linked universe is a kernel universe, then components can be added to the derived universe.
  • Any changes made to the kernel universe are automatically reflected in all the derived universes
Kernel Universe
Kernel Universe

Master Universe Approach

  • If the linked universe is a master universe then the derived universe contains all the components of the core universe.
  • No new classes and objects are not added to the derived universe but are hidden according to the user needs.
  • The components visible in the universe are always a subset of the master universe.
  • Any changes made to the kernel universe are automatically reflected in all the derived universes.
Master Universe
Master Universe

Component Universe Approach

  • Merging two or more universe into one universe.

Below a new universe is made by merging universe 1 and universe 2.

Component Universe
Component Universe

Advantages of Linked Universe

  • Reduced development and maintenance time as any changes made to the core universe are propagated to the derived universe.
  • Centralize often used components in core universe, and include them in all the new universes.
  • Facilitate specialization by splitting the responsibility between database administrator for core universe and specialized universe for more functional universe.

Points to remember-Linked Universe

  • Linked universes share the same data account.
  • Linked universe must be in the same repository.
  • Core universe must be exported and re-imported at least once.
  • You have the authorization of linking.
  • Only one level linking is allowed.
  • The two universe structures must allow joins to be created between a table in one universe to a table in another universe to avoid Cartesian products.
  • Contexts must be redetected.

Steps to create a Linked universe

We have two universe say Link_SMS and Link_Voice

  • Step 1: Link_SMS universe
Universe 1
Universe 1
  • Step 2: Link_Voice universe
Universe 2
Universe 2
  • Step 3: Edit>Links…>Add Link..>OK
Universe Parameters
Universe Parameters
  • Step 4: After Linking the Core universe components appear dimmed in the derived universe.
Linked Universe
Linked Universe
  • Step 5: Save the derived universe and export both the core and the derived universe to the same repository.

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