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Data Warehouse Design Pattern

A road-map on Testing in Data Warehouse

Updated on Sep 29, 2020

Testing in data warehouse projects are till date a less explored area. However, if not done properly, this can be a major reason for data warehousing project failures - especially in user acceptance phase. Given here a mind-map that will help a project manager to think all the aspects of testing in data warehousing.

Testing Mindmap

DWBI Testing
DWBI Testing

Points to consider for DWBI Testing

Why is it important?

  • To bug-free the code
  • To ensure data quality
  • To increase credibility of BI Reports
  • More BI projects fail after commissioning due to quality issue

What constitutes DWBI Testing?

What can be done to ease it?

  • Plan for testing
  • Start building DWBI Test competency
  • Design code that generates debug information
  • Build reconciliation mechanism

Why is it difficult?

  • Limited Testing Tool
  • Automated Testing not always possible
  • Data traceability not always available
  • Requires extensive functional knowledge
  • Metadata management tool often fails
  • Deals with bulk data - has performance impact
  • Number of data conditions are huge

Use the above mind-map to plan and prepare the testing activity for your data warehousing project.

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